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Managing with a GLOBAL MINDSET – 4 Core Competencies For Organisational Success

The 4 Core Competencies of Managing with a Global Mindset


This post kicks off a sequence of blogs on Management Skills to equip you with knowledge and capabilities to lead teams well into the future. To take the leadership deep-dive courses, sign up for our Training and Events facilitated by Australia’s leading management coaches.


How would you characterise someone possessing a “global mindset”? If we go by the definition of Dr Gary Ranker, the father of executive coaching, a global mindset means – “the ability to step outside one’s base culture and to understand there is no universally correct way to do things”.     


In an increasingly connected world, where working for a company is no longer restricted to a 2x2m cubicle in an office building, being able to manage employees working from across the globe is vital to success. Remote working is taking off as companies explore new ways of finding the ideal employee, so being able to understand cultural differences is vtial to your success as a leader. 


What are the key behaviours of someone with a global mindset?  


  •  People with a global mindset seek out diversity because they have an innate curiosity for new and exciting ways of experiencing the world.   
  •  They don’t mind the initial discomfort of stepping into new environments if it means they are better, and smarter for it.   
  • They are great at cultivating relationships with anyone different from them because they show respect and humility.  


Translating a global mindset into organisational success  


You need to bring a global perspective to the table to be considered valuable as a manager. For there are real career and business benefits to having a worldwide network of peers, partners and team members. Here are a few examples – 


  • Acquire best practice information, skills and tools to stay ahead of the competition  
  • Scale by employing highly skilled staff from developing countries  
  • Operate smarter, faster and at a lower cost by leveraging products and technologies from other countries 


Businesses of all sizes need to operate with a global strategy, and this includes a team of managers with a strong ability to influence across all cultures, functions and geographic locations. How else would you be able to lead a diverse, multi-national network of direct reports, supply chain partners, client organisations, and government agencies?  


The 4 Core Competencies of Managing with a Global Mindset  


While you may already have these skills under your belt, think about how you can retool them in the context of leading a complex, multi-cultural, professional network.  


1. Communicating  

Managers who communicate effectively can cut through barriers and get all subsidiaries to support the HQ’s agenda. They are fully taking advantage of various communication channels, from digital to interpersonal, to make sure the message is consistent and heard loud and clear across the organisation 

2. Collaborating  

Collaborating across countries can be difficult, especially if you’re a  manager from a developed country because of an innate perception of arrogance. Considerable effort needs to go into adapting your work style, language and tone to get your teammates from another culture to trust and support you.  

3. Networking  

Great managers can extend their influence beyond their immediate circle by sharing ideas and best practices. Connecting with people from across cultures through knowledge-sharing enables you to cultivate relationships which could lead to strategic and lucrative partnerships.  

4. Engaging  

Getting teams from different cultures to share your commitment and passion for the business is the most challenging job of a manager. You can change attitudes and maybe even develop great relationships with colleagues from another country by listening and having open conversations. 


Managing with a Global Mindset - 4 Core Competencies


Build your Manager Tool kit by signing up for our Training and Events and acquire the skills to succeed in the competitive corporate world. 




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